To process your Budget figures:

  1. On the Reports ribbon, select Budgets. The Budget tab will be displayed.
  2. Period - Select a period on the Per period tab. You may click on the Free selection tab to select a specific date or a range of dates to include budget figures. 

  1. Refresh - This button will populate the Budget figures for the selected period or selected dates. 
  2. Cost centre 1 - Budgets may be entered for Cost centres (Cost centre 1), if activated.
  3. Cost centre 2 - Budgets may be entered for Cost centres (Cost centre 2), if activated.
  4. Projects - Budgets may be entered for Projects, if activated.
  5. Reference - "BUDG" is the default reference. You may enter your own reference (up to 15 characters).
  6. Description - "Auto budget" is the default description. You may enter your own description (up to 35 characters). 
  7. Percentage - Tick this option and specify a percentage to adjust the budget figures. 
  8. Delete all - If any budget figures exists, a confirmation message "Delete data for this period?" will be displayed. If you click Yes, the budget figures for the selected period or dates will be deleted.
  9. Copy -
    1. From Budget Previous year -  If you already have budget figures for the previous financial year, select this option to populate last year's budget figures. 
    2. From Actual Previous year -  If you already have posted batch and document transactions for the previous financial year, select this option to populate last year's the actual totals of posted transactions. 
  1. Apply to selection - Add amount to selection?

You may enter or overtype an amount. Editing an amount, e.g. editing one or more digits will produce an error message, for example; 

 '-13,000.00' is not a valid floating point value for field '2020/06/01 - 2020/06/30'