The context menu option will only be available for the Invoices document type.

To convert invoice(s) to order(s):

  1. Select the Invoices document type.
  2. Select the document(s) to convert.
  3. Right-click and select Documents Convert invoice to order option on the context menu. A confirmation message will be displayed.

Do you wish to continue?

  1. Click on the Yes button to continue. The "Creditor accounts" screen is displayed:

  1. The Order(s) will be available as Unposted if the Orders document type is selected.

Edit orders converted from invoices

You need to check and edit the following, if needed:

  • Date - The system date will by default be displayed. You may edit it, if necessary. 
  • Delivery address - The delivery address of the debtor (customer / client) account will be copied. You may need to edit these fields. The contactperson will be available on the list for the selected creditor (supplier / vendor) account.
  • Message - The Invoice message line 1 field content will automatically be inserted after the Order message line 1 field.
  • Amounts - The selling prices are copied to the order. You may need to edit or change it to the purchase prices. 

If this context menu was launched from the Purchases document type, the Supplier return(s) will be available as Unposted if the Supplier return document type is selected.