There are over 50 000 TurboCASH users on Version 3 or earlier. We released Version 3 in 2003. We do keep encouraging users to stay up with us on new versions with year end being a good time to do it. However you can't fault the logic of "if -it -ain't -broke -don't -fix -it"

The cost of the do nothing strategy is that when you finally do decide to make the change (yes we do have users that stay in business for 15 years!), your business will be bigger and data issues will have compounded. Conversion of old data is never going to be a happy experience.

i) Best to go from TurboCASH 3 to 4 and THEN 4 to 5 (You are coming from 10 years back!)

ii) It would be better to run both systems until your year end and then take on opening balances in Version 5

iii) Converting means that your convert "junk" debtors that have gone out of business, stock you no longer sell, a chart of accounts that is no linger relevant etc. Take a long hard look and decide how valuable this old data is. If it is really valuable and you simply must have it, engage the services of a database consultant who will dig it out for you. I caution you again. Its like root canal messy, painful and expensive. Email me and I will connect you to one.

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