The "Creditor listing - Credit control listing (Credit limit vs Current balance) as at..."  report will list the Account code, Name of the Creditor (account description), Postal address, Telephone 1 / 2, Credit limit, Current balance and the Available balance as at the date and time of printing this report. 

To print a Creditor listing - Credit control listing (Credit limit vs Current balance) as at... report:

  1. On the Reports ribbon, select Reports → Creditors → Listing
  2. Select "Credit control listing (Credit limit vs Current balance) as at".

  1. Select the following: 
    1. From ... To... - Select a creditor (supplier / vendor) account or a range of creditor (supplier / vendor) accounts, to include in the report.
    2. Sequence - Select "Creditor code, Description, Credit limit or Disabled" to print the report details in the order (sort) in which you wish to list the data.
    3. Show contact details - You may select this option to view the postal address, delivery address, telephone numbers, Fax number, email address, website and more for each creditor account.
    4. Reporting group 1 - Select a reporting group or more reporting groups. The report will only be printed for those creditor (supplier / vendor) accounts linked to the selected Creditor reporting group 1.
  1. Click on the OK button. 

View the "Creditor listing - Credit control listing (Credit limit vs Current balance) as at..." report

Negative amounts in the Available column, not prefixed with a minus sign (-), indicates that the creditor (supplier / vendor) account(s) are exceeding the credit limit. This means that the

  • Credit limit is not entered, or may need to be increased on the Accounting information tab.
  • The creditor (supplier / vendor) account(s) are in overdue. You may need to pay these creditors (suppliers), etc., before making any further purchases from these creditors (suppliers).

View the "Creditor listing - Credit control listing (Credit limit vs Current balance) as at..." (Show contact details) report.

The Contact: name of the contact person will only be displayed, if the contact is selected on the Contactperson field of the creditor (supplier / vendor) account.