The "Debtor statement" will print all transactions. It does not use Open item link. 

The "Debtor statement - Outstanding" will print only the outstanding transactions. Transactions linked in the Open item link feature, will not be listed.

To print Debtor statements:

  1. On the Reports ribbon, select Reports → Debtors → Outstanding. The Debtor statement report options is displayed:

  1. Enter or select the date of the ageing.
  2. Enter the number of days to display for the periods.
  3. Select the Accounts to include in the Statements.
  4. Click on the OK button.  

An example of the "Debtor statement" is as follows:

The information is as follows:

  1. Header (Left) - Debtor Information as entered / edited on the debtor account.
  2. Header (Right) - Company info as entered / edited on Setup → Company info.
  3. Statement to - The date as entered (selected) on the Parameters screen. The periods number of days specified on the parameters screen is displayed. The outstanding totals for each period is displayed as a summary for the periods at the end of the transaction section. 
  4. Transactions - This displays the date, reference. description and amount for each transaction. The payment date for each transaction is the date of the transaction plus the number of days entered in the Due days field on the Accounting information tab of the debtor account. 
  5. Credit limit - The amount as entered in the Credit limit field on the Accounting information tab of the debtor account. The Balance at is the current balance of the debtor account of all posted transactions and documents as at the date of printing of the Debtor Statements. The Available amount is calculated the Credit limit minus the Balance at amount as at the date of printing of the Debtor Statements.
  6. Statement message - This consists of two (2) sections:
    1. Statement message (Left) - Up to three (3) lines as entered on the Delivery address tab of the debtor account.
    2. Statement message (Right) - Up to three (3) lines as entered on the Statement setup tab on Setup Documents setup.
  1. Due amount, Due date and Banking details - The amount payable and the date on which the payment is due. The Banking details as entered on the Setup → Company info will be displayed on the Debtor statement.