Documents setup - Change document numbers
Each source document containing details of a transaction should be numbered. Document numbers identifies the specific source document for a transaction and will reflect on the reference fields in reports and screens in osFinancials.
Document numbers should only be changed before you start any processing of documents. Document numbers are eight character alphanumeric numbers. The following is an example of the default document numbers to begin with -
- Invoices - IN000001
- Credit notes - CR00001
- Quotes - QU00001
- Purchases - PU00001
- Supplier returns - SR00001
- Orders - OR00001
However, you may change this to suit your own numbering system. If you have already used similar documents, you may change the document numbers to the last number for each of your documents that were issued on your previous accounting system. TurboCASH5.2 will generate the next number for each of these documents generated for the first time. Thereafter TurboCASH5.2 will automatically allocate the document numbers in the numerical sequence they were generated.
To change document numbers:
- On the Setup ribbon, select Setup → Documents setup, if the Documents setup screen is not already displayed.
- Select the Document type (Invoices, Credit notes, Purchases, Supplier returns, Orders and / or Quotes) and over type the displayed number with your own number. A confirmation message will be displayed.
- Click on the Yes button, and the Next document number for the selected document will be changed. Should you click on the No button, the document number will not be changed.
- Repeat this process for all your document numbers. Once you have changed all your other document numbers and / or settings, click on the Close button, or press the Esc key on your keyboard, to exit this screen.
You may use any combination of letters and / or numbers for your document numbers. As osFinancials will increment the document number from the last character (letter or number), it is recommended that the following format for your document numbers be used:
Prefixing document numbers in this way will ensure that your document numbers do not overlap with each other or other transactions entered in the normal batches (payment and receipt batches, etc.) This will definitely help you to trace the documents in your system on reports. You may then, when you see a document number, identify the type of document. Furthermore, these prefixes will also help you to sort the data in spreadsheets, should you have exported the data to a spreadsheet. |