Let TurboCASH5.2 help you to create a Set of Books
osFinancials will guide you through the steps to create a new Set of Books with the Creation wizard in a matter of minutes.
It is a good idea to check that you have all the necessary information regarding your business at hand before starting to create your Set of Books.
Once you have the necessary information available, you may proceed to create your Set of Books. Should you not have all the information available at this stage, you may go back and enter or change some of the information at a later stage.
The following options to create a Set of Books using the "Let TurboCASH5.2 help you to create a Set of Books?" wizard, is available:
- To create a Set of Books using a template on your system.
- To create a Set of Books downloading a template from TurboCASH5.2.
To create a Set of Books using a template:
- On the Start ribbon, select Create Set of Books (F10).
- TurboCASH5.2 automatically defaults to the option "Let TurboCASH5.2 help you to create a Set of Books?", as this is the recommended option for most users. You only need to check that it is selected.
- Click on the Next button. The Download books - "Which Chart of Accounts do you want to use?" screen will automatically be launched.
If you do not wish to use this online option, exit the “Which Chart of Accounts you wish to use?” Download screen. You may click the Browse button, to select another Set of Books on your system. The Directory in which you will create the Set of Books is displayed underneath the Location Browse button. It will usually be the default directory in which TurboCASH5.2 is installed or other directory, which you have specified when you have installed osFinancials. If you wish to create your Set of Books in any other directory or location on your system, you may click on the Browse button to select any folder or drive on the Pick a directory screen. |
- Select a Set of Books (template).
- Click on the Next button.
- Enter the name for your new Set of Books.
The name must not already exist and may not be longer than 50 characters. This name will help you to identify your Set of Books on your system and you will need to select this name, whenever you need to open the Set of Books or perform some other functions on the Set of Books. |
The Directory in which you will create the Set of Books is displayed underneath the Location Browse button. It will usually be the default directory in which TurboCASH5.2 is installed or other directory, which you have specified when you have installed TurboCASH5.2. If you wish to create your Set of Books in any other directory or location on your system, you may click on the Browse button to select any folder or drive on the "Pick a directory" screen. |
Database type - Firebird is the default for all Sets of Books included in the install. You may create MySQL databases (see - My SQL database online manual) and Postgress databases (see - Postgress database online manual). Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL) Database types is also introduced in TurboCASH5.2 (518), |
- Click on the Next button.
- Select the options. The screens, based on this selection, will launch when you click on the Finish button. The confirmation message "Are you sure you want to create the MY-BOOKS-CREATE Set of Books?" (where "MY-BOOKS-CREATE" is the name of the Set of Books entered) will be displayed.
- Click on the Yes button. The following screens from the Setup ribbon will automatically be displayed as selected on the last screen of the Creation wizard.
- Enter and select the necessary information and settings for the following screens:
- Company info - Enter all your business' details such as the address, e-mail address, contact numbers and Company and Tax Registration numbers, which you need to display on all documents, reports, and lists. You may also select whether your default output option for documents, reports and lists are on: screen, printer, file, e-mail or fax. You may also load a logo picture to be displayed on your reports or documents, and set your Windows operating system's default date and currency formats.
- Reporting dates - Set up the number of reporting dates required, and the start date of your financial year period. The periods or dates will be displayed in the format in which you have set your Windows Operating System's default date on the previous screen.
- Batch types - Check the default batch types, add (create) new batch types, delete an existing batch type, or change the name of existing batch types in which you wish to enter and update or post your transactions to the ledger.
- Groups - Set up to two Reporting groups for your General ledger, Debtors, Creditors accounts, Stock and Document groups.
- Documents setup - This option allows you to set up your documents Invoices, Credit notes, Quotes, Orders, Purchases and Supplier return documents, you wish to hand to customers (debtors) or suppliers (creditors) when you sell, or quote, or order and purchase, stock items and services.
- Stock information - Set the selling price descriptions, default selling price, cost of sales, options for documents, unit sizes, tax classes, etc. This option should be used if you use stock and / or wish to generate documents (Invoices, Credit notes, Quotes, Orders, Purchases and Supplier returns).
- Salesperson - This option allows you to enter or add the salespersons who will be processing documents.
- After the last setup screen (i.e. Salesperson) is closed, the new Set of Books, is automatically opened and ready to work in.