Sales per product (Reports menu)
You may print the following two (2) reports to analyse your invoices and credit notes.
- Sales per product - Stock group 1
- Sales per product - Stock group 2
This report only includes Invoices and Credit notes which are posted. Unposted Invoices and Credit notes will be NOT be included in this report. To view a list of unposted documents, which is not updated to the ledger, go to Input → Checking unposted items (Default ribbon). |
This report only includes the default stock item type. It does not include any other stock item types (e.g. ten (10) stock item types i.e. Sales, Sales (no stock), Purchases, Purchases (no stock), Financial entry, Option item, Option item (no stock), BOM (Bills of Materials), BOM (Production), Linked Sale). |
To print Product by Stock group reports:
- On the Reports ribbon, select Reports → Sales analysis → Sales per product.
- Select the following:
- Report - Select the Sales per product - Stock group 1 (default) or Sales per product - Stock group 2 report.
- Period - Select the period on the Per period tab. You may click on the Free selection tab to select a specific date or a range of dates.
- From... To... - Select the stock code(s) to include in the report.
- Reporting group 1 - This is optional and by default not selected (not ticked). You may select (tick) the reporting group(s) to include in the report.
- Sequence - Select "Stock code or Stock description" to sort the order in which you need to print the data.
- Show details - By default, this option is not selected. It will display the total quantities, selling prices, cost prices, profit / loss and profit loss percentage of each stock item in posted invoices and credit notes. If this option is selected, it will display a list of document numbers, account code and description and the quantities, selling prices and cost prices for each document.
- New page per account - If this option is selected (ticked), it will print the transactions for each account on a new page.
The Company details will not be printed as in the Page header. The company name is displayed in the Page footer. |
It is recommended that this option is only selected if the Show details option is selected. |
- Click on the OK button.
An example of the "Sales per product - Stock group 1" (no details) report, is as follows:
An example of the "Sales per product - Stock group 1" ("Show details") report, is as follows: