Show / Hide columns
By default, all thirty-four (36) columns will be displayed and listed in the Document entry list screen for each document type.
The columns is grouped in to two (2) bands:
- Left band - Lists the id (document id), Document number, Date of document, and Account description.
- Data band - List the Due date, Amount inclusive, Amount exclusive, Tax amount, Reference, Document group 1, Document group 2, Account no., Salesperson, Printed, Amount due, Status, Message line 1, Message line 2, Message line 3, Delivery address 1, Delivery address 2, Delivery address 3, Delivery address country, Postal address 1, Postal address 2, Postal address 3, Postal code, Country, Invoice address Company, Invoice address Contact, Delivery address Company, Delivery address Contact, E-mail address and Project.
You may drag and drop any of the columns on the left band to the right band and the columns from the right band to the left band, to customise the grid for your requirements. |
Hide / Show bands
Hide left band - Remove the tick in the first tick box. This will hide the id, Document no. Date and Description, columns.
Show left band - Tick the first block. This will add the hidden columns on the left band.
Hide data band - Remove the tick in the second tick box. This will hide all columns in the data band.
Show data band - Tick the second block. This will add all the hidden columns on the left band.
Hide / Show columns
By default, all thirty-six (36) columns will be displayed and listed in the Document entry list screen for each document type.
You may select to hide or show any column, as required.
To hide or show columns:
Click on the second block - Column headings - A list of the fields will be listed.
Remove the ticks for the columns to hide or select the columns you need to display.
You may use the Up arrows and / or the Down arrows Right or Left arrows keys to navigate the fields. You may use the Space bar to deselect (remove the tick) or to reselect (tick a field again). |
If you wish to retain your layout, click on the Save grid layout button. |