You may print the following two (2) reports to manage the stock items. 

  1. All selling prices - Displays a list of Selling prices 1 / 2 / 3. The details option will display the Extra description, Manufacturer, Gross and net weight.
  2. Stock item listing - Displays a list of the stock items and the quantities and cost prices. The details option will display the Extra description, Manufacturer, Unit size, Gross and net weight, Selling price 1 / 2 / 3, Average cost, Unit cost, Barcode, Reporting group 1 / 2, Preferred supplier 1 and Supplier 1's Stock code. 
  3. Tax classes - Displays a list of the Tax classes as well as the accounts linked to each of the Tax class (added / edited in the Tax classes tab on the Stock information screen (Setup ribbon).