Multi-Language accounts - Manual - Shop - Once-off license - This plugin makes it possible to translate the ledger and group names in multiple languages. It is already possible to choose different languages for the interface (the buttons). But this plugin makes it possible to do the accounting in different languages. Per user you can select a language, so the user can account in his/her own language. The set of books can be viewed in different languages, therefore it is possible an employee enters information into an English Set of Books and a bookkeeper, auditor, etc. can see the set of books in a set language, e.g. Afrikaans, Dutch, etc. |
The following languages are (by default) installed and launched - depending on your selection when installing osFinancials.
Should you have selected the incorrect language when installing osFinancials, you may select the language applicable to your country.
The osFinancials interface will display in the selected language in Switch language (Start ribbon). Depending on your country / language installation of osFinancials, the specific language / country language have already been set for each Set of Books. (Setup → Access control).
When opening a Set of Books, it will automatically load the language file. All screens, reports and layout files are translatable via the language files.
The following options are available to change the language:
- Set the global language: Start → Switch language and select the correct language for your country, state, province, etc.
- Set the language for a specific Set of Books: Setup → Access control - System language field on the Standard security tab.
Languages may also be customised in Setup → Tools → Customise language.
List of all available languages
Language files |
English |
Spanish |
French |
English (Default language file) |
Español |
Français |
en-American |
es-Argentina |
fr-Benin |
en-Australia |
es-Chile |
fr-Burkina |
en-Bangladesh |
es-Ecuador |
fr-C-African-Rep |
en-Barbados |
es-ElSalvador |
fr-Cameroun |
en-Belize |
es-Honduras |
fr-Comores |
en-Botswana |
es-Mexico |
fr-France |
en-Cameroon |
es-Panama |
fr-Gabon |
en-Ireland |
es-Paraguay |
fr-Guinee |
en-Isle-of-Man |
es-Peru |
fr-Haiti |
en-Lesotho |
es-Spain |
fr-Mali |
en-Malawi |
es-Uruguay |
fr-Maurice |
en-Malta |
es-Venezuela |
fr-Niger |
en-Mauritius |
Other languages |
fr-Rep-Congo |
en-Namibia |
af-Afrikaans |
fr-Rwanda |
en-New-Zealand |
de-German |
fr-Senegal |
en-Rwanda |
German |
fr-Tchad |
en-South-Africa |
et-Estonian |
fr-Vanuatu |
en-Tanzania |
hr-Bosnia |
Portuguese |
en-Tonga |
hr-Croatia |
Portuguese |
en-Trinidad |
hr-Montenegro |
pt-Angola |
en-Uganda |
id-Indonesia |
pt-Brazil |
en-UK |
it-Italian |
pt-Cabo Verde |
en-Zambia |
lt-Lithuanian |
pt-Guiné-Bissau |
en-Zimbabwe |
nl-Nederlands |
pt-Moçambique |
sl-Slovenian |
pt-Portugal |
Turkish |
sv-Sweden |
pt-São Tomé |
tr-Cyprus |
sv-Swedish |
pt-Timor Leste |
tr-Marcedonia |
sw-Swahili |
tr-Turkey |
xh-Xhosa |
Other languages |
el-Cyprus |
el-Greece |
th-Thai |
List of English Tax terminology
English (Default language file) refers to Tax. If you select the following English languages, it will refer to the following tax terminology:
English VAT |
English GST |
English Sales tax / Consumption tax |
en-Bangladesh |
en-Australia |
en-American (Sales tax) |
en-Barbados |
en-Belize |
en-Tonga (Consumption tax) |
en-Botswana |
en-New-Zealand |
en-Cameroon |
en-Ireland |
en-Isle-of-Man |
en-Lesotho |
en-Malawi |
en-Malta |
en-Mauritius |
en-Namibia |
en-Rwanda |
en-South-Africa |
en-Tanzania |
en-Trinidad |
en-Uganda |
en-UK |
en-Zambia |
en-Zimbabwe |