Johnny C Rhodes, our villainous hero, lives in the newnormal, on the edge of reality and a near future dystopia. Borders are blurred by pschopathic villains, drink, drugs and fast women.
He was born as a response to my revolutionary comrades, who picture Capital
as a monopolist beast run by a cabal of conspirators. Johnny C sits at the head of the table.
The adventures of Johnny C picks its ideas from
facebook and web blogs. Contributions are most welcome as we try to
expose and thwart the exploitations of our Heinous Hero. Readers get
a chance to meet and interact with the Master of 'the Square'.
Many of the characters are composites taken from my experiences, but
you should at all times bear in mind that this story is merely a figment
of imagination and no slander on real people is inferred or implied.
If you see yourself and feel that you can correct the dystopia,
feel free to email Philip Copeman a contribution.
This is, after all, merely - fiction.
A caution for sensitive readers - the fictional nature is not always
obvious - at times reality bends just a little and thenewnormal emerges
as a genre which preys apon the fake news and conspiracy theory
industry. A worm hole to the nineteenth century history of South
Enough of the small talk. Without further ado, let me introduce you to
our Protagonist – Johnny C.
Johnny Cecil Rhodes is the great nephew, twice removed, of the
nineteenth century diamond magnate of similar name and Johnny is the
sole trustee to the diamond fortunes. It is little known that he is one of
the richest men in the world, even though he has never worked a day in
his life. He lives with Innocent, his Zimbabwean chauffeur, at
Genadendal. This arrangement comes courtesy of The Rhodes Trust
agreement that gave ”usufruct” on the main house to South Africa's
sitting Prime Minister, but reserved the cottage for Rhodes'.