If you choose to work with one of the pre-created sets of books in TurboCASH, most of the settings and defaults have already been set. Getting started entails little more than the entry of a few basic details and the selection of some basic options:

  1. Create your Set of Books - TurboCASH allows you to create a Set of Books within minutes by copying an existing structure.
  2. Settings and defaults - TurboCASH will use these parameters and defaults to display and perform certain functions for you.  
    1. Company info - Enter your contact information and registration details and set the defaults for your Tax (if you are registered for Tax (VAT/GST/Sales tax).)
    2. Reporting dates - Set the starting date for your financial year and the accounting periods for which you may generate financial reports.    
    3. Reporting groups - Add or edit any reporting account groups for your Accounts to further classify the 5 Financial categories. You may also add up to two (2) reporting groups for your Debtor (customer / client) accounts, Creditor (supplier / vendor) accounts, Stock items (products), Documents, Salespersons.
    4. Financial categories - Link your Reporting account groups (e.g. Income, Other income, Expenses, Capital, Long-term liabilities, Current liabilities, Fixed assets and Current assets) to the 5 Financial categories (i.e. Income, Expenses, Capital, Assets and Liabilities).  
    5. Batch types - Add, edit or delete any batch types (journals) in which you wish to enter transactions.
    6. Access control and passwords (Optional) - Set passwords and access control for your users.
    7. Internet (Optional) - Configure your e-mail account to send reports, lists and documents over the Internet.
    8. Documents setup - Set the Document numbers, messages and check the Batch types for your sales documents (Invoices, Credit notes and Quotes for debtors (customers / clients) and purchase documents (Purchases, Supplier returns and Orders for creditors (suppliers / vendors). 

You may also add a standard message (on the Statement setup tab) to print on all statements you wish to send to your debtors (customers / clients).

    1. Salespersons - Add any salespersons that may sell your stock or products.
    2. Stock information - Define your selling prices and units of stock. You also need to set the Cost of sales settings for your Stock items.
    3. Set preferences -
      1. Backup path – Select the drive / path/ folder for your backup files.
      2. Printer – Set the default printer and paper sizes.
      3. Data parameters – Set the defaults for both entry and display.
  1. Customise your Chart of accounts - Your Set of Books will have a standard Chart of accounts, which should reflect all your accounts.
  2. Add Debtor (customer / client) accounts.
  3. Add Creditor (supplier / vendor) accounts.
  4. Add Stock items (Inventory items / products) - Add your stock items if you trade in products.
  5. Enter Opening Balances for your accounts and trading stock items, if you trade in stock, if you have any.
  6. Start processing your daily transactions in batches (journals) and or documents.
  7. Print reports to evaluate your activities.