The "Reports" context menu option allows you to print postal or delivery address labels for a selected debtor (customer / client) account. 

To print labels for a selected debtor (customer / client) account:

  1. On the "Debtors" list screen, select a debtor (customer / client) account.
  2. Right-click and select "Reports Selected debtor label" option or the  select "Reports Selected debtor delivery label" option on the context menu. This will print the postal address label or the the delivery address label of the selected debtor (customer / client) account. 

You will only be allowed to print the postal address label or delivery address label for one selected debtor (customer / client) account at a time.

An example of a printed postal address labels, is as follows:

An example of a printed delivery address labels, is as follows:

You may also print the Postal address labels or Delivery address labels for debtor (customer / client) accounts from the Reports → Debtors Print labels (Reports ribbon).