The Debtor age analysis report allows you to analyse your transactions with each of your debtor (customer / client) accounts according to specified accounting periods. This could be a useful tool to manage outstanding amounts owed by debtors (customers / clients). This Report will display a break down of your debtor account balances for each of the specified periods for a selected debtor account, or a range of selected debtor (customer / client) accounts.

The following reports are available:

  • Balances detail - Displays the reference, date, amount and description for each transaction. The Total outstanding as at the Date of ageing is split to the number of days specified in up to 3 periods. 
  • Balances detail history (open item) - This is similar to the Balances detail report, but it displays the outstanding amount and TransactionID.

To print Debtor age analysis - Balances detail report: 

  1. On the Reports ribbon, select User reports → Debtors → Age analysis.
  2. Select "Balances detail" (default).


  1. Select the following options: 
    1. Date of ageing - Select or enter a date to include the transactions on or before that date. 
    2. Days overdue - Enter the number of days for period 1.
    3. Number of days overdue - Enter the number of days for period 2. 
    4. From account ...To account  - Select a debtor (customer / client) account or a range of debtor (customer / client) accounts, to include in the report. 
    5. Sequence - Select "Debtor code" to print the report by account code or "Description" to print the report by account description (name).
    6. Show transactions - If this option is not selected (not ticked), it will list only the balances. Tick this option to include the transactions. 
    7. Show contact details - If this option is not selected (not ticked), it will list only the transactions. Tick this option to include the details  (i.e. postal address, delivery address, and contact details). You may select this option, if the for the balances or transactions (Show transactions option ticked or not).  
    8. New page per account - If this option is selected (ticked), it will print the transactions for each account on a new page.

The Company details will not be printed as in the Page header. The company name is displayed in the Page footer.

  1. Click on the OK button. 

View the "Debtor age analysis - Balances detail" ("Show transactions" option not selected) report:

View the "Debtor age analysis - Balances detail" ("Show contact details" and "Show transactions" options selected) report for a specific debtor (customer / client) account:

The Contact: name of the contact person will only be displayed, if the contact is selected on the Contactperson field of the debtor (customer / client) account.