The reports on the User reports menu are included in TurboCASH5.2. 

These reports are not included in osFinancials5. 

Any other reports that are under construction. Users may add their own reports in the ...\plug_ins\reports\userreports folder.

The following user reports are included in TurboCASH5.2:

  1. Custom reports – This is custom sales and purchase reports.
    1. 2cred-sku-det - Lists the Purchase and Supplier return documents for a selected creditor (supplier / vendor). 
    2. 2deb-sku-det - Lists the Invoice and Credit note documents for a selected debtor (customer / client).
  1. Discontinued-system reports – The following reports were included in the Reports menu in TurboCASH5 (969), and is as follows:
    1. Ledger - Graphs - The "Graph - Profit / Loss per week" displays the Net Profit / Loss per week in a bar chart. 
    2. Debtors
      1. Graphs -  The “Graph - Debtors per week” displays the debit and credit transaction totals of all debtor (customer / client) accounts per week in a bar chart.
      2. Age analysis -  The Debtor age analysis reports allows you to analyse the outstanding amounts your debtors (customers / clients) owes you in specified periods such as total, 30, 60 and 90 days, or more. These reports are essential for cash flow control. You may also wish to use this facility for credit control, to send reminders to your debtors (customers / clients), to optimise your cash flow management.
      3. Outstanding -  “Due date” and “Debtors Outstanding at date” reports. These reports will list all the transactions before and on a selected period (date). It will list the details for each transaction (i.e. Reference No., Date, Due date, Debit, Credit and the accumulative balance for each of the debtor (customer / client) account.
    3. Creditors -  
      1. Graphs - The “Graph - Creditors per week” displays the debit and credit transaction totals of all creditor (supplier / vendor) accounts per week in a bar chart.
      2. Age analysis - The Creditor age analysis reports allows you to analyse the outstanding amounts you owe to your creditors (suppliers) in specified periods such as total, 30, 60 and 90 days, or more. These reports are essential for cash flow control. You may also wish to use this facility to schedule the payments to your creditors, to optimise your cash flow management.
      3. Outstanding - “Due date” and “Creditors Outstanding at date” reports. These reports will list all the transactions before and on a selected period (date). It will list the details for each transaction (i.e. Reference No., Date, Due date, Debit, Credit and the accumulative balance for each of the creditor (supplier / vendor) account.
    4. Sales - Graphs 
      1. Invoices per week - Quantities and Invoices per week - Turnover
      2. Credit notes per week - Quantities and Credit notes per week - Turnover
      3. Quotes per week - Quantities and Quotes per week - Turnover
    5. Purchases - Graphs 
      1. Purchases per week - Quantities and Purchases per week - Cost
      2. Supplier returns per week - Quantities and Supplier returns per week - Cost
      3. Orders per week - Quantities and Orders per week - Cost
  1. Batch type report - The Batch transactions per period and Documents reports with account descriptions, etc. These reports are a developmental stage and were shipped with TurboCASH5 (969). Similar reports is available on the Reports → Batch entry menu.
  2. Tutorial reports -  These are simple debtor listing and creditor listing reports added with Reportman. 
  3. VAT/GST/Sales tax – List the Tax type accounts and the tax rates which is added / edited in Setup Accounts (Setup ribbon).