Delete accounts
You may delete a ledger (income/expense, bank or tax) account if the account has no transactions and / or balances.
You may disable a ledger (income/expense, bank or tax) account to block (prevent) posting of any documents or batch transactions for the ledger (income/expense, bank or tax) account.
The Delete icon (option) will not be available for the following accounts:
To delete a Ledger (Income/Expense, Bank or Tax) account:
- On the Setup ribbon, select Setup → Accounts.
- Select the account, and click on the Delete icon. A confirmation message "Do you want to delete?" will be displayed.
- Once again, make sure it is absolutely the correct ledger (income/expense, bank or tax) account.
- Click on the Yes button. This will permanently remove the ledger (income/expense, bank or tax) account.
Delete Main accounts: If an account has sub-accounts, you first need to delete the sub-accounts, before you can delete the main account. |
Delete Bank accounts: If a Bank account is deleted, you may need to delete the Payments and Receipt batches (Setup → Batch types (Setup ribbon). |
To disable a Ledger (Income/Expense, Bank or Tax) account:
If a ledger (income/expense, bank or tax) account has transactions and / or balances, you cannot delete it. In the "Posted" field, the number of transactions processed (posted) for the selected account will be displayed. Once any transactions have been processed (posted) (the value is more than 0), you will not be allowed to delete the account.
- On the Setup ribbon, select Setup → Accounts.
- Select the account.
- Select Disabled in the "Status" field and click on the Save button. This will block posting of any documents or batch transactions for the ledger (income / expense, bank or tax) account.
- Click on the Save button.