You may have more than one Bank account and wish to add this to your Chart of Accounts. osFinancials5 (or TurboCASH5.2) will have set up a Bank account for you in your selected template. (In this example, account number “810-000 - Current Bank account” is used).

If you wish to change the Bank account description and batches name you my edit the account and batch types.

Bank accounts must be linked to a unique Payments and Receipts batch. You may create a new Payments and Receipts batch can create on the Bank tab when creating a new Bank account. You may edit the Batch type descriptions in Setup → Batch types.

To change a Bank account:

  1. On the Setup ribbon, select Setup → Accounts. The Accounts screen; listing your available accounts will be displayed. 
  1. Select the “810-000 - Current Bank account” ("Current assets" – Reporting group).

  1. In the "Description" field, replace “Current bank account” with the new Bank account description e.g. “ABC-Bank”.
  2. Click on the Bank tab. 
  3. Enter the unique name for the Payments and Receipts batches, e.g. “ABC-Payments” and the “ABC-Receipts”. This will automatically add (create) the batch types which may be edited in Setup → Batch types.

Bank import plugin - Is included in the TurboCASH5.2 Subscription - Bank Reconciliations Plugin Manual - BankImport Plugin Manual

If the  “Default bank reconciliation method” option is not selected (tick removed) on the Setup → System parameters (Setup ribbon); the Payments and Receipts batch fields will be combined. You may then select either the Payments journal or the Receipts journal. 

  1. Click on the Save button.