Repeating invoices
You may select Invoices from the Invoice history which occur frequently or on a regular basis (e.g. every month) and to set them as repeating invoices.
In addition to this feature, you may schedule Repeating invoices as events in Calendar (Default ribbon). You may select to generate Invoices for selected Invoices or Quotes from the Invoice History List to one or many Debtor accounts. |
Once selected Invoices are generated, TurboCASH5.2 will generate Invoice numbers and the transactions will be copied into normal Invoice documents for the selected debtor or debtors.
To check and /or edit these Invoices you need to access the Invoices (Documents on the Default ribbon) and select the Debtor account for which you have copied a repeating Invoice.
Finally, you need to update (post) the Invoices to the ledger for the selected debtor or debtors. This feature saves you the extra work of entering these Invoices each month.
To generate repeating invoices:
- On the Default ribbon, select Edit → Repeating invoices. The Invoice History screen will be displayed. The "Invoice History" screen will list all the posted and unposted Invoices associated for your debtors (customers / clients). These Invoices will be listed according to the Invoice Number:
- Select the Invoices to Repeat. You have two (2) basic options to select and copy the Invoices to the Invoices to Repeat field.
- Select and highlight an Invoice and click on the Add Sel. (Add Selected) button to transfer only the selected Invoice to the Invoices to Repeat field.
- Select the Invoices to repeat, and mark them as Repeating and click on the Add All button to transfer all the selected marked Invoices to the Invoices to Repeat field.
If you have incorrectly selected and transferred an Invoice to the Invoices to Repeat List, you may select the Invoice to activate the Remove button. You may then click on the Remove button. This Invoice will remove the selected Invoices from the Invoices to Repeat field. |
- Select the Invoice from the list of Invoices in the Invoices to Repeat field and click on the Options button. (The Options button will only be activated once an Invoice is selected on the Invoices to Repeat (right hand side of the screen)). The Invoice history screen will change as follows:
- Select one or a range of Debtor accounts from the list of available Debtor accounts for which you wish to copy the repeating invoice.
- Apply to all - The following options will apply to all repeating invoices when you click on the Generate button.
- Select date - Enter the date or select the date (using the date picker) on which you wish to generate the repeating invoices. This date will be displayed as the Invoice date on the Invoices, and it will also be the transaction date when the Invoice(s) is updated (posted) to the ledger.
- Set new invoice as repeating - You may select to set the New invoice as repeating to add this new Invoice to the Invoices to repeat list. If selected, you may use the selected Invoice to generate the new Invoices in the future.
- Replace message with - You may also replace any existing messages (which are currently displayed as the standard Invoice message as entered in Setup → Documents setup (Invoices tab)) with a message which you may enter in the Replace Message By field. There are three (3) lines to enter a message.
If you enter the message, you should not exceed the viewable area of each line. If too many characters are entered in a line, the characters exceeding the line, will not be displayed on the Document entry screen and on the printed Invoice. |
- Add this comment line -You may also enter a standard comment line, if you wish to add a comment to the transactions on the Document entry screen. This comment will be displayed on the new generated repeating invoices.
- Click on the OK button to close the "Options" screen. The screen will display the list of Invoices.
- Click on the Generate button to generate repeating invoices for the selected debtor (customer / client) accounts. osFinancials5 (or TurboCASH5.2) will generate the next Invoice number.
Should you by accident have generated a repeating Invoice incorrectly to a debtor (customer / client) account, you need to delete the Invoice in Edit →Delete → Documents (Default ribbon). |
The generated repeating invoices can be selected when you click in Documents (Default ribbon). You need to select the Debtor account and the Invoice number to check, edit (if necessary) and print the Invoices. Finally, you need to update (post) the Invoices to the ledger to update the transactions to the general ledger, debtors ledger, and the stock ledger. |