Report designer
All document layout files and reports are installed and stored in the ...\plug_ins\reports folder of your installation directory.
To access the Report designer:
On the Setup ribbon, select Report designer. The Report designer will list all layout files and report folders as follows:
The buttons and options is as follows:
- Copy report - If you need to edit a layout file or report, you need to select a file. If you click on a report or layout file, and you click on the Copy report button, it will create an exact copy (e.g. Copy of Reportname) of the report *.rep and the parameters *.dfm (if the report has parameters) file(s).
It is recommended that you do not edit an existing layout file or report, but create a copy and edit the copy until you get the required results. |
You may then rename the report. If you have any customised reports, you may create folders in the ...\plug_ins\reports\userreports\ folder and copy your reports to your folder. These reports may then be accessed from the Reports → User reports. Document layout files cannot be printed from any other folder than the ...\plug_ins\reports\DOCUMENTS\DOCUMENTS folder. |
- Edit - Launches the Report manager designer screen, where you may edit an existing report or layout file or create or edit a new report or layout file.
- Delete - This will delete a selected layout file or report (*.rep) file (and the parameter (*.dfm) file, if applicable).
Please make sure that the correct report is selected. Deleting the incorrect report, it will be permanently lost. |
- New report – This will launch a blank report with no datasets using the ...\plug_ins\reports\New.rep template file. When you save the New.rep file, it will save it as New.rep in the folder in which the New report button was clicked on.
You may click on the New.rep and click again to rename the report. If the New.rep is in the Reportman designer screen, you may use the File → Save as menu to save the report with your own name. |
- New folder – This will create a New folder in the selected folder. You need to double-click to rename the New folder.
- Explorer folder - If a report is selected it and you click on this button, the folder containing that report will be launched in Windows Explorer or your system's default file browser.
- Refresh - This will refresh the display (list of folders and files) in the Report man screen.
The No refresh after save option is by default selected (ticked). If this ticked is removed, it will automatically refresh the Report man screen when a report or layout file is selected. This may slow down your system. |
- Help - This button is inactive. The offline Reportman help can be accessed from the .../plug_ins/reportman/doc/indexes.html file in the osFinancials5 (or TurboCASH5.2) installation directory.
You may access the online help at If you focus on a specific area of the Reportman designer screen, a ? will be added to the cursor, it will launch the the specific topic at sourceforge (e.g. |
- Parameters - If a report has parameters, and you click on the Parameters button, the Parameters screen for the selected report will be launched. An example of the Ledger Transactions report, is as follows:
- Create parameters and open - This will launch the Report manager designer screen on which you may edit the Parameters (Report → Parameter definition menu) and Datasets (Report → Data access configuration menu).
If a report has no parameters and you click on this button, it will display an error message, e.g. "No params found. create one first C:\TCASH5\plug_ins\reports\userreports\Custom Reports\New.dfm" You then need to close this message and click on the Parameters button to create parameters. If you find another report with similar parameters, you may copy the parameter *.dfm file to the folder of your report and rename it to the name of your report. You then need to edit the parameters and report. |
- Preview - Click to preview a document layout file or a report. If a report has parameters, it will launch the report parameters screen on which you may select the options to preview the data in the report.
While editing a document layout file or a report, you may click on the Preview icon of the Report manager designer screen. |
- Select test document id button - If you click on the Preview button if document layout files (in the ...\plug_ins\reports\DOCUMENTS\DOCUMENTS folder) are selected the last document processed or printed will be previewed. If you click on this button you may select any other posted or unposted document to preview.