Spreadsheet reports osFinancials and the power of Spreadsheets 

 - Spreadsheet sales (Default ribbon). 

 - Spreadsheet reports (Reports ribbon) -

Spreadsheet reports - Reports in a Excel spreadsheet.  These spreadsheet reports are stored in the ...\plug_ins\reports\excelreports folder.

The following reports will be opened in the powerful spreadsheet feature in TurboCASH5.2:

  1. Creditors - The Creditors → Listing - List postal addresses report will be imported into the spreadsheet. 
  2. Debtors - The Debtors → Listing - List postal addresses report will be imported into the spreadsheet. 
  3. Transactions per period - List the transactions in posted batches and documents (i.e. sales documents (Invoices and Credit notes) and Purchase documents (Purchases and Supplier returns)) for a selected period in a spreadsheet.
  4. General ledger - Budget 
    1. Column balances this year - Reporting group 1 
    2. Column balances this year - This year 
  5. General ledger (Transaction totals)
    1. Column balances this year - Reporting group 1 
    2. Column balances this year - This year Column balances will import the transaction totals in two (2) tabs:
      1. Column balances - The totals for each period in separate columns
      2. Settings - The totals for each period in rows per period.
  6. Sales analysis 
    1. Stock movement   
    2. Sales per period  

F9 to recalculate the spreadsheet