Stock items - Backorder tab
When processing invoices in Documents (Default ribbon), and the debtor (customer / client) orders more than is actually invoiced, it will be recorded in the backorder facility.
Backorder records and reports will only be updated when the Invoices are posted (updated) to the ledger. |
An example where the quantity entered in the “Qty Order” field is more than the quantity entered in the “Qty Ship” field, is as follows:
You may also click on the Backorder icon to edit backorders when processing invoices and quotes. |
The insufficient quantities (e.g. 10 – 1 = 9, as per this example) will be added to the backorder feature. The following options, on the Default ribbon, are available to manage (view / add / edit / delete) backorders:
- Stock items (Backorders tab) – List of backorders for the selected stock item.
- Debtors (Backorders tab) – List of backorders for the selected debtor (customer / client) account.
- Input → Backorders Outstanding – List of backorders for all stock items.
The Backorder report may be printed in Reports → Stock → Backorder (Reports ribbon) This will launch the Backorders options screen on which you may select the range of Stock items to include / exclude from the report.
When processing Invoices and you select the Stock item on backorder, the invoicing screen, the Backorders Outstanding screen is displayed:
If you select this item, the entry will be removed from the backorder records and reports.