Reportman - Company logo
The Company logo image "TRpImage" is included in all on Document layout files and Debtor statements as well as on Creditor remittance advises. It is basically a place holder over the Company contact information on the Page headers.
You need to load your Company logo on the Options screen of Setup → Company info (Setup ribbon). The selected Company logo will print on Document layout files and Debtor statements as well as on Creditor remittance advises.
The company logo, should include the address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address, since it will replace the text in the Page headers of Document layout files and Debtor statements as well as on Creditor remittance advises. |
Company logo - Image sizes
The Image size for the Company logo included on the or TRpImage on most Document layout files (COMPANYDATA.LOGO) and Debtor statements as well as on Creditor remittance advises (COMPANYDATA.BLOBLOGO), is as follows:
Measurement in Sample logo used in documentation - Draw Style = Stretch |
Size |
Unit |
Pixels (px) |
Centimetres (cm) |
Inches |
Height |
9.5 Twips |
318 pixels |
8.41cm |
3.31 inches |
Width |
4.3 Twips |
138 pixels |
3.65 cm |
1.44 inches |
The following document layout files are set at a different size:
- POSSTARTSP100 (TRN_906183) = 6.906 x 2.434
- Layout file (TRN_1910) = 8.601 x 3.5
A twip (abbreviating "twentieth of a point", "twentieth of an inch point", Twip - Wikipedia |
To Front setting
The "To Front" setting is a commonly missed setting when new to report manager designer. The details of the Company data (Company name, address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address) is printed on top of the Company logo. - -
Select the image and click To Front