This menu allows you to access various utilities and plugins / extensions.

You may also perform the global processes in a Set of Books to perform year-end procedures and to clear or reset the transactions and balances. The global processes should only be performed under certain circumstances.

To access the Tools menu: 

1.On the Setup ribbon, select Tools. A list of the menu options will be displayed.


2.Select one of the available options: 

a)Calculator - Launches the calculator.

b)Global processes - Clear or reset the transactions and balances, perform year-end procedures, reverse the transactions in posted batches (journals) and documents and copy the data from a selected Set of Books.

c)Search - Helps you search and / or filter for specific data.

d)Report designer - Design you own reports and layout files for documents from TurboCASH data.

e)Export - Export data to a file - documents, accounts, debtors, creditors, stock items and posted batches.

f)Import - Import data from a file - documents, accounts, debtors, creditors and stock items.

g)Data integrity check - Check the integrity of the data for selected Set of Books.

h)Customise language - Customise the labels of the program.

i)Close active forms - This will close any open or active forms (i.e. Debtors / Creditors / Stock items and Documents).

j)Plugins – Access available plugins / extensions to the TurboCASH5 program.

Most of these plugins are licensed under commercial licenses. You need to purchase a license on which a registration code and instructions will be mailed to you to unlock the full features of these plugins. Multi-User and Plugins need to be registered in Tools → Plugins → Tools → Register plugins menu (Setup ribbon).