Setup ribbon
The Setup ribbon tab is used to access the Setup and Tools.
The following sixteen options (16) options are available:
1.Company info - Enter the company information (name, address telephone, fax numbers e-mail address) and registration numbers for the Company and Tax (VAT/GST/Sales tax), if applicable.
oYou also need to set the default tax method and output method for reports (to screen, printer, file, e-mail or fax).
oLoad your logo or picture, which you wish to be displayed on the documents.
oSet the default currency format and date format in your Windows Operating System.
2.Documents setup - Settings for sales documents (i.e. Invoices, Credit notes and Quotes) and purchase documents (i.e. Purchases, Supplier returns and Orders). Set the defaults for documents, such as the numbers, batch types, headings and messages and document layout files.
On the Statements setup tab, you may enter a global message to be printed on Debtor statements (Reports → Debtors → Outstanding on the Reports ribbon).
3.Groups - Set up to 2 Groups for ledger Accounts, Debtors, Creditors, Stock items and Documents for generating reports.
4.Stock information - The following settings are available:
a)Selling prices - Enter (edit) the descriptions for up to 3 selling prices. You may set the default selling price 1 / 2 / 3 which will be used globally when processing documents.
b)Cost of sales - Set the parameters for Cost of sales (account, batch type, whether you will be using average or latest cost).
c)Documents setup - This also contains various settings when processing documents and / or working with stock.
d)Units - Specify the unit descriptions and sizes to be displayed in stock item screens and on layout files.
e)Tax classes - Create add, edit Tax classes (Account classes) to which you may select Input Tax codes, Output Tax codes, Sales, Cost of sales and Stock control accounts.
5.Reporting dates - Set the start date of your financial year and the periods in a financial year. You may also close a specific period or year for posting transactions to the ledger.
6.Access control - Set the passwords, users and access to certain menus for each of your users.
7.Batch types - Create or delete batch types or journals in which you wish to enter transactions. Batch types also need to be linked to sales documents (i.e. invoices and credit notes) and purchase documents (i.e. purchases and supplier returns) on Setup Documents.
8.Salesperson - Add or remove any salespersons, which will be processing sales documents (i.e. Invoices, Credit notes and Quotes) and purchase documents (i.e. Purchases, Supplier returns and Orders) or cashiers operating Point-of-Sale.
9.Printer - Select the default settings for printing reports and documents.
10.Workflow Setup - To be advised.
11.Setup - Access the following seven (7) options:
a)Financial categories - Link your Ledger Account groups to Assets, Capital, Expenses, Income or Liabilities.
b)Backup path - Set the default backup drive and folders on your system on which you wish to create backup files or disks.
c)System parameters - Select the indicators for debit and credit, number of decimals to be displayed on reports and documents as well as the number of decimals to be stored. You may also select to display the default system currency symbol.
Select 1 of 2 methods for reconciling bank statements with the transactions in your cashbook (receipts and payments batches). If you have purchased the BankImport Plugin, you need to change the setting import the transactions from your bank statement and allocate these transactions to the accounts. |
d)Internet - Configure your Internet, e-mail accounts to send reports, lists and documents via the internet or to configure a network server.
e)Point-of-Sale - Set the Point-of-Sale parameters, configure printers, peripherals, etc.
f)Currencies - You may add / edit currencies and the exchange rates. When processing documents, you may select the currency. This will automatically calculate the prices for that currency.
g)Theme - This option allows you to choose between “Classic, classic-large, material” and “material-large” themes. The “theme1” and “theme2”, will display the icons of the “Classic” theme, but the colours of the grids will be different. You may also add your own favourite background pictures.
12.Report designer - Edit existing reports and layout files for documents. You may also create and edit your own reports and layout files.
13.Calculator - Access the Calculator.
14.Import - Import accounts, debtors, creditors, documents and stock from specific file formats.
15.Export - Export accounts, debtors, creditors, documents, stock and posted batches to specific file formats.
16.Tools - Access the following seven (7) options:
a)Global processes - The following four (4) options are available:
i)Clear / Reset - This option allows you to clear all the transactions and balances in a Set of Books. This will clear or reset the Set of Books and delete all the transactions and balances. You may also select to retain all documents and set them to unposted.
i)Do year end - This option allows you to close off all the nominal accounts (income and expense accounts) and transfer the balances for the financial year to the Retained income / earnings account. The start date and the reporting dates for the financial year will also be created for the new financial year.
ii)Copy from a Set of Books - This option allows you to copy the data from a selected Set of Books into the active (open) Set of Books. This will replace all the data in the active Set of Books.
iii)Reverse posted batch / document - This feature allows you to reverse or cancel the transactions in posted documents and batches.
•Reverse posted batch (journal) - the transactions entered or imported in batches (journals) which are already updated (posted) to the ledger, may be reversed or cancelled. This option will cancel all the transactions already updated (posted) to the ledger, remove it from the transaction file, and import the transactions to the selected batch (journal). You may then erase or delete the entire batch (journal) as well as the transactions, edit or correct the transactions, balance the batch, print the batch list and post it to the ledger.
•Reverse posted document - The documents as well as any transactions generated by the documents (invoices and credit notes, purchase documents and supplier returns documents) when the documents were updated (posted) to the ledger, will be reversed or cancelled. The selected reversed document will be available as an unposted document. You may then edit the document in Documents (Action ribbon) and then post (update) it to the ledger. If you do not need to update (post) the document to the ledger, you may delete the document in the Edit → Delete - Documents menu (Action ribbon).
b)Data integrity check - Run a Data integrity check and print a Data integrity check report.
c)Customise language - Customise (edit, change and translate) language files.
d)Close active forms - Close any open forms (e.g. Documents, Debtors, Creditors, Stock items screens, etc.)
e)Activate plugins - By default, no plugins is activated when TurboCASH5 is installed. This option allows you to activate / deactivate all plugins, registered plugins or specific plugins. The activated plugins will be available from the Plugins menu.
f)Plugins - By default, no plugins are listed on this menu. Only activated plugins will be listed.
g)Others - Not used.
Most of these plugins are licensed under commercial licenses. You need to purchase a license on which a registration code and instructions will be mailed to you to unlock the full features of these plugins. Multi-User and Plugins need to be registered in Tools → Plugins → Tools → Register Plugins (Setup ribbon). |