Access control - Reports access tab
This option enables you to allow or restrict a user from printing and viewing Creditor, Debtor, General ledger, Stock or User reports in a specific Set of Books.
To set reports access options for an user:
- On the Setup ribbon, click on Setup → Access control.
- Click on the Reports access tab.
- Make sure that the correct User is selected, or click on the User icon, for which you need to restrict or allow access to Reports.
- Remove the tick to restrict the selected user, or place a tick in the field to allow access to the following reports:
- Creditor reports - Not implemented.
- Debtor reports - Not implemented.
- General ledger reports - Allow access to print, view and export reports from the Ledger analyser 1, Ledger analyser 2, T-Account viewer. All Ledger reports (except Ledger analyser 1) accessed from the Reports menu list on the Reports ribbon, are still available to print.
- Stock reports - Not implemented.
- User reports - Not implemented.
- Click on the Apply button to save the changes for this user.
- Select the next available user to restrict or allow access to batches and / or accounts, if necessary.
- Click on any of the tabs to set the access levels for each selected user.
- Once finished, click on the Close button to exit the "Access control" screen.