All processed (posted) transactions will be accumulated in the T-Ledger analyser. There are various ways in which the transactions may be viewed, exported and analysed. 

The options, is as follows:

  1. Transactions and balances – These are the balances of transactions as posted (updated to the ledger) in batches (journals), sales documents (i.e. Invoices, Point-of-Sale Invoices and Credit notes) and purchase documents (i.e. Purchases and Supplier returns). 

There are six (6) report types, which may be selected (i.e. Trial balance, Income statement, Balance sheet, Standard column balances, Budget vs actual and This year vs last year) which may be printed and exported to spreadsheets.

In addition to this, there are 6 report types which may be exported to spreadsheets (i.e. Column balances, Column balances Debit/Credit, Column balances debtor, Column balances creditor, Column balances debtor Debit/Credit, and Column balances creditor Debit/Credit.)

  1. Budget – Budget figures as entered in Budgets (Reports ribbon) or in the Setup → Accounts (Setup ribbon). This option, if selected, will list only the budget figures (Budget listing) in the Trial balance, Income statement, Balance sheet and Standard column balances report types. The Budget vs Actual is the budget performance report. It will list and compare the budget figures versus the actual posted (updated) transactions.
  2. T-Account viewer – You may select a specific account, group, etc. to view the transactions in the T-Account viewer. To do this, right-click on a selected account, and select the “Show details” option on the context menu.

The T-Account viewer may also be selected on the Reports → T-Account viewer menu. When launching it from the Reports ribbon, you may select the following: 

  • Account – Select a specific account.
  • From date and To date – Select a specific date or a range of dates to view data.  

You may click on the following to get specific views of transactions:

  • Batch number (e.g. 10012, etc. automatically generated). This will list only the transactions for a specific batch (journal). 
  • Account code (e.g. G010000 Sales, B810000 ABC - Bank, T860010 Input VAT/GST/Sales tax, etc.). This will list the transactions for a specific account.
  • Date – This will list the transactions for a specific date. If you double-click on a date, the “From date” and “To date” will be changed to the selected date.

Ledger analyser options

To print reports in the Ledger analyser:

  1. On the Reports ribbon, select Ledger analyser 1 / 2.

Ledger analyser 1 and Ledger analyser 2 Features implemented in TurboCASH5.2:

  • SBR view - (Standard Business Reporting) Add  SBR references for accounts and reporting groups in Setup → Accounts. Once the references are set, and generate reports on screen, click on the SBR view button, check, filter and copy to clipboard. Open your spreadsheet program, and copy the contents into your spreadsheet, save the data, etc. 
  • Pivot – View, filter and analyse your report on screen, view graphs, customise datasets and types of graphs.
  • Zoom in / Zoom out + / - buttons added to resize (increase / decrease the font) the reports (i.e. Trial balance, Balance sheet and Income statement) on screen.

  1. Select the following options:



Report type:

  1. Trial balance – List of all accounts in the chart of accounts. This will include:
    1. - Income / - Expense; 
    2. - Asset / Liability / Capital accounts; 
    3.  - Retained earnings / income; 
    4.  - Debtor's control; and
    5.  - Creditor's control accounts.
  2. Income statement - Income / Expenses  – List only those accounts which is reported on the Income statement.
  3. Balance sheet – List only those Accounts, which is reported in the Balance sheet. This will include: 
    1. - Asset / Liability / Capital accounts; 
    2.  - Retained earnings / income; 
    3.  - Debtor's control; and 
    4.  - Creditor's control accounts).
  4. Standard column balances – Lists the debit and credit account balances in the Trial balance and the Income statement and Balance sheet accounts in separate columns.
  5. Budget vs actual – Lists the budget figures entered in the Setup → Accounts (Setup ribbon) versus the actual totals of all transactions in posted batches and documents. 
  6. This year vs last year – This will list the actual totals of all transactions in posted batches and documents in this year periods versus the actual totals of all transactions in posted batches and documents posted to last year periods (previous financial years). 
  7. Column balances – Lists all accounts in a spreadsheet view. These are the Accounts reported in the Trial balance (this includes both the accounts reported in the Trial balance, Income statement and Balance sheet).
  8. Column balances debtors – Lists the balances of all accounts which is created and maintained in the Debtors (Default ribbon) in a spreadsheet view. The total of these accounts are reported in the Debtor's control account on the Trial balance and the Balance sheet.
  9. Column balances creditors – Lists all accounts which is created and maintained in the Creditors (Default ribbon) in a spreadsheet view. The total of these accounts are reported in the Creditor's control account on the Trial balance and the Balance sheet.
  10. Column balances D/C – Lists all debit and credit account balances in a spreadsheet view. These are the Accounts reported in the Trial balance (this includes both the accounts reported in the Trial balance, Income statement and Balance sheet).
  11. Column balances debtors D/C – Lists the debit and credit account balances of all accounts which is created and maintained in the Debtors  (Default ribbon) in a spreadsheet view. The total of these accounts are reported in the Debtor's control account on the Trial balance and the Balance sheet.
  12. Column balances creditors D/C – Lists all debit and credit account balances which is created and maintained in the Creditors (Default ribbon) in a spreadsheet view. The total of these accounts are reported in the Creditor's control account on the Trial balance and the Balance sheet.


This will list all accounts for which budget figures were entered (and / or edited) in Budgets (Reports ribbon) or the Setup → Accounts (Setup ribbon).

If you wish to print a list of the Budget figures, tick the "Budget option" on the following report types:

  • Trial balance
  • Income statement 
  • Balance sheet

Cost centre 1 / 2:

The Cost centres (2 Groups) will only be available, if Cost centres are added in Groups (Setup ribbon); and if activated.


Select one of the following options:

  • None – This is the default. This will list all accounts for the selected Report type according to the Account numbers (codes) in numerical order. 
  • Reporting group 1 – Lists all accounts according to the Account reporting group 1 as created in Groups (Setup ribbon). 
  • Reporting group 2 – Lists all accounts according to the Account reporting group 2 as created in Groups (Setup ribbon). 

Reporting group 1 and 2 – The sequence in which the groups and accounts are listed, may be changed in Groups. (Setup ribbon).

This is done by selecting the groups on the list and use the Move up or Move down buttons. 


Select “Per period” or “Free selection”

  • Per period – Select a period (Month, 2 Months, 3 Months, 4 Months, 6 Months or Year.
  • Free selection – You may select or enter any date or dates. 



The periods will automatically filter and display the periods matching the selected option in the “Per period” radio selection options.  

On the “Free selection” tab, you may select any date or dates in the “From date” and “To date” fields. 

Ignore zero balances:

If this field is not selected, all accounts will be listed for the selected reports type. If you select (tick) this field; only those accounts with balances will be included in the report.  

Include opening balances:

If this option is selected (ticked), it will include the opening balances of those accounts which have opening balances.  If this option is not selected; the opening balances will not be included in the report.  

(Not applicable to the Income statement report type).

Opening balances only: 

If the “Include opening balances” option is not selected; this option will not be displayed.  If this option is available; you may select (tick) this option to include only the opening balances. All other balances will then be ignored. 

(Not applicable to the Income statement and Column balances report types).

Viewer Debtors / Creditors:

Do not select (tick) if you only need to view the balances of the Debtor's control account and Creditor's control account only. If this field is selected (ticked), it will list all the individual accounts in the following ledgers: 

  • Debtor's ledger - all debtor (customer / client) accounts. 
  • Creditor's ledger - all creditor (supplier / vendor) accounts. 

(Only applicable to the Trial balance and the Balance sheet report types).

Report button:

This will generate the report as per your selection of the report parameters. 

Export button:

This will export the report to a comma separated value (*.csv) file format. The exported data will automatically be opened in your system's default spreadsheet (if configured) e.g. Excel.   

Print button:

Click to print the report. 

  1. Select a group or account and right-click on it. On the context menu, select the “Show details” option. This will launch the T-Account viewer. 

The T-Account viewer may also be selected on the  T-Account viewer option (Reports ribbon). 

The T-Ledger analyser will not be  automatically updated when batches or documents are updated (posted) to the ledger.  

You need to click on the Report button to rebuild (refresh) the report.

Printing unposted batches in the Ledger analyser

The Ledger analyser does not include unposted batches and documents. You may view, print and export a Trial balance, Income statement and Balance sheet for unposted as well as posted batches from the Batch entry (F2) context menu.

Viewer Debtors / Creditors - Trial balance / Balance sheet

The Trial balance and the Balance sheet report types allows you to select the Viewer Debtors / Creditors option. This will list the individual debtor (customer / client) account balances for the Debtor's control account and the individual creditor (supplier / vendor) account balances for the Creditor's control account. 

Do not select (tick) if you only need to view only the control accounts of the Debtor Creditor (supplier / vendor) accounts. 

An example, in the "Trial balance" and "Balance sheet", is as follows:

Export to CSV Files 

The export feature of the T-Account Analyser allows you to create export files of any view of the data to the Comma Separated Value (*.csv) file format. You may then use your favourite Spreadsheet program (e.g. OpenOfficeCalc or Microsoft Excel, etc.) to analyse, sort and filter the data. 

You may also build charts in your Spreadsheet program and use it to make powerful presentations in your presentation program (e.g. OpenOfficeImpress, Microsoft Powerpoint, etc.). 

To create a Ledger Export report: 

  1. Once finished, selecting your options, click on the Report button to update the T-Ledger analyser screen. 
  2. You may then click on the Export button. This will launch the Save as screen. 
  3. Select the folder in which you wish to save the file.
  4. The default file name will be ExportLedger. Overtype this with your own, if necessary. If you do not do this, you may replace existing (previously exported) files. 
  5. Select the file type Comma Separated Value (*.csv).
  6. Click on the Save button. This will automatically open (launch) the file in the program associated with the Comma Separated Value file type (e.g. OpenOfficeCalc or Microsoft Excel, etc.). 


The Ledger analyser allows you to generate, print or export eleven (11) different report types of your data. You may view, print and export your Budget, Trial balance, Income statement and Balance sheet in various formats. In addition to this, you may also view and export the data in column balances (balances per period) for the following: 

  • General ledger - List Balances for the accounts in the Trial balance. 
    • Column balances - This will list the net balances (debits minus credits). 
    • Column balances - Debit / Credit - This will list the debit and the credit balances separately. 
  • Debtor's ledger - List balances for the individual debtor (customer / client) accounts. 
    • Column balances - Debtors - This will list the net balances (debits minus credits). 
    • Column balances - Debtors - Debit / Credit - This will list the debit and the credit balances separately. 
  • Creditor's ledger - List balances for the individual creditor (supplier / vendor) accounts. 
    • Column balances - Creditors - This will list the net balances (debits minus credits). 
    • Column balances - Creditors - Debit / Credit - This will list the debit and the credit balances separately. 

You may double-click on any account in the Ledger analyser to view the Transactions in the T-Account viewer. 

The export feature of the T-Account viewer allows you to create export files of any view of the data to the Comma Separated Value (*.csv) file format. You may then use your favourite Spreadsheet program (e.g. OpenOfficeCalc / LibreOffice Calc or Microsoft Excel, etc.) to analyse, sort and filter the data. 

You may also build charts in your Spreadsheet program and use it to make powerful presentations in your presentation program (e.g. OpenOfficeImpress, Ultra Office Presentation, Microsoft Powerpoint, etc.). 

To access the Ledger analyser: 

  1. On the Reports ribbon, select Ledger analyser 1 or Ledger analyser 2. The Ledger analyser screen is displayed: 

  1. Select the following options: 
    1. Report type - The twelve (12) standard report types of the Ledger analyser, is as follows:
      1. Trial balance (All accounts (Income statement and Balance sheet accounts) as per the Chart of Accounts). 
      2. Income statement (Only Income and Expense accounts). 
      3. Balance sheet (List account balances for Balance sheet accounts).
      4. Standard column balances (List all accounts in the Trial balance and splits the accounts into Income statement and Balance sheet accounts as per the Chart of Accounts). 
      5. Column balances (List the balances of accounts in the Trial balance (Income statement and Balance sheet accounts) as per the Chart of Accounts columns). 
      6. Budget vs actual (Lists the budget figures as well as the actual account balances of posted batches and documents as comparative figures).

If you wish to print a list of the Budget figures, for This year or Last year, as entered, tick the Budget option on the following report types:

  • Trial balance
  • Income statement 
  • Balance sheet
      1. This year vs last year (Lists the actual account balances of posted batches and documents for this year and the previous year as comparative figures).
      2. Column balances - Debtors (List the account balances of debtor (customer / client) accounts in columns).
      3. Column balances - Creditors (List the account balances of creditor (supplier / vendor) accounts in columns).
      4. Column balances - Debit / Credit (List the debit and credit transaction totals of accounts in the Trial balance (Income statement and Balance sheet accounts) as per the Chart of Accounts in columns).
      5. Column balances - Debtors - Debit / Credit (List the debit and credit transaction totals of debtor (customer / client) accounts in columns).
      6. Column balances - Creditors - Debit / Credit (List the debit and credit transaction totals of creditor (supplier / vendor) accounts in columns).
    1. Select a period on the Per period tab. You may click on the Free selection tab to select a specific date or a range of dates to include transactions in the report. 
    2. Group - Select None (will list in account code sequence),Reporting group  1 orReporting group  2. (Not applicable to the Column balances report types).
    3. Include zero balances - If this field is selected (ticked), it will list only those accounts with balances within the selected periods. If this field is not selected, it will list all accounts including those with zero (null) balances. 
    4. View Debtor / Creditor - Do not select (tick) if you only need to view only the control accounts of the Debtor Creditor accounts. If this field is selected (ticked), it will list all the individual accounts in the following ledgers: 
      1. Debtor's ledger - all debtor (customer / client) accounts. 
      2. Creditor's ledger - all creditor (supplier / vendor) accounts. 

An example, in the trial balance and balance sheet, is as follows:

  1. (Not applicable to the Income statement report type).
    1. Include opening balances - If you select (tick) this field, you may include the opening balances (of the previous financial year). This will display the Opening balances only option. (Not applicable to the Income statement report type).
    2. Opening balances only - If the Include opening balances option is selected, you may select (tick) this option to exclude transaction totals of this financial year's periods. Only the opening account balances (for the previous financial year) will then be listed. (Not applicable to the Income statement and Column balances report types).
  1. Once finished, selecting your options, click on the Report button to generate the report. A "Processing" screen may be displayed. 

The T-Account viewer does not include unposted batches and documents. It will also not be updated automatically when batches or documents are updated (posted) to the ledger. 

  1. Once the Ledger analyser is updated, you may view, analyse or select an account to view the transactions in the T-Account viewer. If necessary, you may export it to the Comma Separated Value (*.csv) file format. 

Report Type Views 

The Trial balance and the Balance sheet report types allows you to select the Viewer Debtor / Creditor option. This will list all individual debtor (customer / client) for the debtor's control account and creditor (supplier / vendor) account balances for the creditor's control account. 

Export to CSV Files 

The export feature of the T-Account Analyser allows you to create export files of any view of the data to the Comma Separated Value (*.csv) file format. You may then use your favourite Spreadsheet program (e.g. OpenOfficeCalc or Microsoft Excel, etc.) to analyse, sort and filter the data. 

You may also build charts in your Spreadsheet program and use it to make powerful presentations in your presentation program (e.g. OpenOfficeImpress, Microsoft Powerpoint, etc.). 

To create a Ledger Export report: 

  1. Once finished, selecting your options, click on the Report button to update the Ledger analyser screen. 
  2. You may then click on the Export button. This will launch the Save as screen. 
  3. Select the folder in which you wish to save the file.
  4. The default file name will be ExportLedger. Overtype this with your own, if necessary. If you do not do this, you may replace existing (previously exported) files. 
  5. Select the file type "Comma Separated Value (*.csv)".
  6. Click on the Save button. This will automatically open (launch) the file in the program associated with the Comma Separated Value file type (e.g. OpenOfficeCalc or Microsoft Excel, etc.).