The standard security is the main access control option where you may create users, set or change their passwords, e-mail addresses, disable users or delete users. On this Standard security tab, you may also allow or restrict access to the main functions, i.e. System setup, System menu, Global processes and the Bank reconciliation.

Should you restrict a user to specific functions, all the menu items will be displayed by default. These menu options to which the user has no access, will be displayed as inactive (greyed out). You may select to hide these inactive menu options. The user will then only see those menu options which he / she is allowed to access.

In addition to this access control facility in TurboCASH5.2, you may also set and configure the passwords for your operating system and / or network.

To set standard security options for an user:

  1. On the Setup ribbon, click on Setup → Access control.    

  1. System lang - The default language will be displayed in this field. You may set another language for the Set of Books. The selected language will be displayed every time the Set of Books is opened.
  2. Language - Used select languages added in the Languages tab in Groups (Setup ribbon).

Multi-Language accounts - Manual - Shop - Once-off license -

This plugin makes it possible to translate the ledger and group names in multiple languages. It is already possible to choose different languages for the interface (the buttons). But this plugin makes it possible to do the accounting in different languages. Per user you can select a language, so the user can account in his/her own language. The set of books can be viewed in different languages, therefore it is possible an employee enters information into an English Set of Books and a bookkeeper, auditor, etc. can see the set of books in a set language, e.g. Afrikaans, Dutch, etc.

  1. Select an user in the User field or area of the screen. Do not select the Default user with all rights (Universal administrator).
  2. By default, all options are selected (ticked), except the Disabled and Hide disabled options.

If an user is set to disabled, (Disabled field ticked), and the disabled user tries to log in, an error message "Access control" will be displayed. 

  1. The options to set the access levels is as follows: 
    1. System setup
      1. Start ribbon - Disables the following:
        • Create Set of Books (Creation wizard).
        • Save as. 
        • Delete Set of Books.
      1. Reports ribbon - Disables the Report designer.
      2. Setup ribbon - Disables all features, except the following:
        • Calculator - Can access the calculator.
        • Import - Import accounts, debtors, creditors, documents and stock from specific file formats. 
        • Export - Export accounts, debtors, creditors, documents, stock and posted batches to specific file formats.
    1. Global processes
      1. Report designer - Edit existing reports and layout files for documents. You may also create and edit your own reports and layout files. The Report designer is still accessible from the Reports ribbon.
      2. Calculator - Disables the Calculator. 
      3. Import - Disables import of accounts, debtors, creditors, documents and stock from specific file formats. 
      4. Export - Disables export accounts, debtors, creditors, documents, stock and posted batches to specific file formats.
      5. Tools menu - Disables the following seven (7) options:
        • Global processes - The following four (4) options are available:
          • Clear / Reset - This option allows you to clear all the transactions and balances in a Set of Books. 
          • Do year end - This option allows you to close off all the nominal accounts (income and expense accounts) and transfer the balances for the financial year to the Retained income / earnings account. The start date and the reporting dates for the financial year will also be created for the new financial year.
          • Copy from a Set of Books - This option allows you to copy the data from a selected Set of Books into the active (open) Set of Books. This will replace all the data in the active Set of Books. 
          • Reverse posted batch / document - This feature allows you to reverse or cancel the transactions in posted documents and batches.
            • Reverse posted batch (Journal) - The transactions entered or imported in batches (journals) which are already updated (posted) to the ledger, may be reversed or cancelled. 
            • Reverse posted document - The documents as well as any transactions generated by the documents (invoices and credit notes, purchase documents and supplier returns documents) when the documents were updated (posted) to the ledger, will be reversed or cancelled. 
        • Data integrity check - Run a Data integrity check and print a Data integrity check report.
        • Customise language - Customise (edit, change and translate) language files. 
        • Close active forms - Close any open forms (e.g. Documents, Debtors, Creditors, Stock items screens, etc.)
        • Activate plugins - By default, no plugins is activated when TurboCASH 5.2 is installed. This option allows you to activate / deactivate all plugins, registered plugins or specific plugins. The activated plugins will be available from the Plugins menu.  
        • Plugins - By default, no plugins are listed on this menu. Only activated plugins will be listed. 
        • Others - Not used.
    1. Reconciliation - Disables the bank reconciliation feature.
    2. System menu -
      1. This will disable the  (Start ribbon).
        • Delete Set of Books option.
        • Help menu - Disable the following seven (7) options:
          • Help - Launch the osFinancials Help system where you may locate topics.
          • Support - View contact information of TurboCASH 5.2 or go to the Support page via the Internet.
          • Show Welcome - By default, the Welcome to TurboCASH screen displays the website. If the Welcome to TurboCASH screen is not displayed, it will launch the Welcome to TurboCASH screen. 
          • Online registration - Register the TurboCASH 5.2 program.
          • Forum - Please visit our Forum to find solutions or to post comments, etc.
          • Webshop - Please visit our webshop. 
          • Bug report - View, search and report any bugs on our bug-tracking system at Sourceforge
      1. This will disable the following on the Default ribbon: 
        • Update ledger (F3) – Disables Update ledger (F3) posting of batches and documents.
        • Edit menu - Disable the following three (3) options:
          • Repeating transactions - Enter / edit transactions in batches of a recurring nature.
          • Repeating invoices - Generate and process invoices of an recurring nature.
          • Delete - Delete sales documents (i.e. invoices, credit notes and quotes) and purchase documents (i.e. purchases, supplier returns and orders).
        • Input - Disable the following six (6) options:
          • Adjust stock - Access the Edit Stock screen. 
          • Confirm - Confirm and convert quotes to invoices and orders to purchases.
          • Backorders - Add, edit and delete back orders for stock items.
          • Sales documents - Process / edit invoices, credit notes and quotes.
          • Purchase documents -  Process / edit purchases, supplier returns and orders.
          • POS Invoice - Run and manage a point-of-sales shift and process point-of-sale invoices. 
  1. Select to allow or restrict a user to System Setup, Delete Set of Books on the Start ribbon and Global processes (Clear / Reset, Do year end, Reverse posted batches / documents) on the Tools ribbon. (You may press the Spacebar on your keyboard to select or deselect an option). 
  2. Click on the Apply button to save the changes for this user.
  3. Repeat the process if you have more than one user. Once finished, click on the tabs, to set the access levels for each selected user.
  4. Once finished, click on the Close button to exit the "Access control" screen.

You may select the specific options for which you wish to restrict that user by removing the tick for the specific option the user may not access. You may move down the options with the Down Arrow or Up Arrow keys and toggle between a tick and a blank in the tick box fields with the Spacebar on your keyboard, or select it with the mouse and click on the box you want to select or deselect.

It is recommended that at least one User (Default user or System administrator) should have no restrictions on the System setup.

If you disable some menu or access options for a user, you may select to hide disabled menu items, If this option is not selected, any disabled menu items, (e.g. system setup, global processes, reconciliation, reports, edit accounts, etc.) will be displayed as an inactive option (greyed out).

User icons are displayed as follows:

- indicates that all functions are allowed to that user.

- some functions or security options are restricted or disabled.