Creditor accounts edit screen
To create add / edit a creditor (supplier / vendor) account:
- If you do not find a creditor (supplier / vendor) account, you may add it by clicking on the New button. It will launch the blank creditor (supplier / vendor) account with the next account number (i.e. C000001, etc.). You only need to replace the Creditor code, enter the Name and save it. The rest of the fields are optional, but it is recommended that you fill in as much details as possible.
The next Creditor code (e.g. C00006, etc.), will automatically be generated. It is important to prefix Creditor codes with a unique prefix. In this documentation, the accounts is prefixed as follows: Debtor code = 1 Creditor code = 2 The reason for this, is that the account prefix is not always available when selecting accounts on some screens and reports. For example, if a Debtor code is D00001 and a Creditor code is C00001, and you select the Debtor code, it may set the Creditor code when selecting the contra account in the "Options for this batch" (F10:Setup) on "Batch entry" screens. |
The following eight (8) tabs are used to enter and / or edit settings and check additional useful information to manage creditor (supplier / vendor) accounts:
Plugins (e.g. Price agreements and Subscriptions), which may be purchased separately will be added as tabs on creditor (supplier / vendor) accounts. These will be dealt with in separate documentation. |
- Enter and / or select the following options:
- Creditor code - It is automatically generated.
The Creditor code is automatically generated when you click on the New button. It is prefixed with a C, followed by 5 numeric characters. You may overtype this with your own to suit your specific requirements. |
If you have created a Set of Books (Advanced option), and have set the Account code to:
- Name - Enter the name (description) for the creditor (supplier / vendor).
- Address - Enter up to 3 address lines.
- Postal code - Enter the postal code or zip code.
- Country - You may select the Country from the list, if necessary.
- Phone 1 - Enter the phone number.
- Phone 2 - Enter the phone number, if available.
- Fax - Enter the fax number, if available.
- Website - Enter the website address, if available.
You may double-click on this field to access the entered website of the creditor (supplier / vendor) in your system's default web browser. |
- E-mail - Enter the e-mail address, if available.
- Tax Reference - If creditors (suppliers) are exempt from tax, or registered for VAT/GST/Sales Tax, that tax reference should be entered in this field.
- Company Reg. No. - Enter, if available.
- Contact Person - Select a Contact Person from the list.
If no Contact Person is available, you need create it on the Contacts tab. |
- Creditor group 1 / 2 - The Reporting group to which you wish this creditor (supplier / vendor) to be allocated.
The description of Creditor group 1 and / or 2 you have entered on the "Reporting group name" field on the Creditor groups tab - Setup → Groups may be reflected on this screen. |
- Language - The list of language files in Switch language (Start ribbon) as maintained in Tools → Customise language (Setup ribbon) will be listed. You may select a preferred language for the creditor (supplier / vendor). If the standard translatable document layout files are selected, the documents (i.e. purchases, supplier returns and orders) will be printed in the selected language for creditor (supplier / vendor) account.
- Click on the Delivery address tab and / or Accounting information tab to enter additional information, select settings and accounting terms.