This option allows you to import transactions in a batch from valid Comma Separated Batch or TurboCASH 2.03 Batches file format. To use this feature, you need to have saved transactions in a valid file format.

You will be able to select a valid file (created with the Write delimited file option) from the location saved on your system, and import the transactions into a new batch with the Delimited file import batch processing option.

To import a delimited file into a batch:

  1. On the Default ribbon, select Batch entry (F2). 
  2. Select a Batch type and click on the Open button. The Batch entry transaction screen for the selected Batch type will be displayed.
  3. Click on the F9:Process icon. The Process the batch options screen will be displayed.  
  1. Select the Delimited file import option, and click on the OK button. 

You may right-click on the selected batch (journal) on the Batch type selection screen, and select the Delimited file import option on the context menu.

  1. The Open screen will be displayed. Select valid Comma Delimited Batches file from the folders on your system.
  2. Click on the Open button. All the transactions in the selected, posted batch will be imported into the selected batch.

It is important to check and edit the transactions imported in the batch, before you proceed to balance and post the batch.