The Debtor listing - List details report will display the Contact details, Registration details, Banking details, Reporting details, Accounting terms and information for each debtor (customer / client) account. 

Report options

To print a Debtor listing - List details report:

1.On the Reports ribbon, select Reports → Debtors → Listing

2.Select the "List details" report.


3.Select the following:  

a)From ... To... - Select a debtor (customer / client) account or a range of debtor (customer / client) accounts, to include in the report.

b)Sequence - Select "Debtor code, Description, Reporting group 1" or "Reporting group  2" to print the report details in the order (sort) in which you wish to display the data.

c)Reporting group 1 - Select a reporting group or more reporting groups. The report will only be printed for those debtor (customer / client)  accounts linked to the selected Debtor reporting group 1.

4.Click on the OK button. 

Printed example : Debtor list - Details

An example of the "Debtor list - Details" report, is as follows:


The List details report will display the following information:

1.Contact details - Contactperson, Telephone 1 / 2, Fax, E-Mail, Website, Postal address, Delivery address and Language of the debtor (customer / client). 

2.Registration details - Company Registration number and Tax registration number.

3.Banking details - Bank account type, Name of Bank account, Bank account number and Branch code. 

4.Reporting details - Reporting group 1 / 2, Layout file 1 (Invoices), Layout file 2 (Credit notes) and Layout file 3 (Quotes). If no layout files are selected, the documents will be printed for the global settings in Documents setup (Setup ribbon).

5.Accounting terms and information - Statement message, Credit limit, Monthly interest rate, Customer discount rate, Due days (payment terms), account settings (i.e. Open item / Balance B/F), Account disabled, Default selling price and Salesperson.