Automatic receipts
You may receive payments from debtors for their accounts via the electronic banking system. The transactions for debtors with outstanding transactions and balances will be transferred into the Receive Debtors screen, where you may select the debtors and outstanding amounts you need to receive from the debtor 's Bank accounts.
The debtors which have open or outstanding amounts will be listed. The (outstanding amount) balances are transferred to an intermediate account or clearing account on the date of the transactions.
Once the payment is cleared at the bank (on the due date) payment is received into the Bank account it will appear on the bank statement. When you allocate the transaction on the bank statement, the intermediate account or clearing (account contra account) will be credited.
Before using this feature, bank accounts need to be entered in:
To process automatic receipts for debtor (customer / clients):
- On the Default ribbon, select Batch entry (F2).
- Select the General journal or any other batch type.
- Click on the Open button. The Batch entry screen for the selected batch will be displayed.
- Enter the Alias (batch name) and press the Enter key, if necessary.
- Click on the F9: Process icon. The "Process the batch" options screen will be displayed.
- Select the "Automatic receipts" option, and click on the OK button. The "Automatic receipts" screen is displayed:
- The bank account of the Set of Books as entered in Setup - Company information is automatically displayed on this screen.
- Select and enter the following:
- Use reference - Select to use the Invoice reference as entered in the "Your reference" field of the Document entry form.
- Contra account - This is basically a clearing account for the payments received from debtors.
The contra account needs to be set in the F10:Setup. It is recommended that a general ledger account, which is linked to the Current assets Account group be selected. |
- From - Enter or select the date from which you need to process payments for debtor (customer / client) accounts.
- To - Enter or select the date until which you need to process payments for debtor (customer / client) accounts.
The transactions for the debtor (customer / client) accounts created on and until the selected dates. After selecting (or reselecting) the dates, click on the Refresh button to update the listed transactions with the date selection. |
- SLEV -
- Export Type - Create clieop file - If you select this option, you need to specify the name for the Clieop file.
The Clieop file is a general accepted file format that can be read into a bank program for payments. |
- Account no. - Enter the Bank account in which the payments will be received.
- IBAN -
- BIC -
- Payment date - Enter or select the date for which you need to process payments for Debtor accounts.
The transactions will be generated on this date to the intermediate account or clearing account (Contra Account), and calculate the due days as specified in the Due days field on the Accounting information tab of the debtor customer / client account). |
- Check that the payment information and outstanding amounts for each debtor is correct.
If you do not wish to receive a payment from a debtor at this stage, deselect (remove the tick) the Export field next to the selected debtor. If the Export field is not selected, no transactions will be generated for the debtor and the debtor will be excluded from the Debtors payment report. |
- Click on the Print button to generate a Debtor Payment report for all Debtor accounts with outstanding amounts (balances) for which the receive transaction field was selected.
If the bank accounts is not entered for a debtor (customer / client) account (on the accounting information tab, a message similar to this "No bank account for D1ABGRE Mr. AB Green Skiping record!" will be displayed. |
An example of the printed "Automatic receipts report", is as follows:
- Click on the Update button. All Debtor accounts with outstanding amounts (balances) for which the receive transaction field was selected, will be imported into the selected batch (journal).
Once you have finished entering / editing the transactions in the batch you need to: -
To save the Clieop report:
- If the Clieop file field was selected, the "Save As" screen will be displayed, if you click on the Update button of the "Automatic receipts" screen.
- Select the directory in which you need to store the file and specify the name for the file.
The default file name is Clieop followed by the date (YYMMDD - format) with a *.dat file type or format. |
- Click on the Save button to save and generate the Debtor receipts report. An example of the "clieop file,is as follows: